POLYNOM Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Chebyshev_polyChebyshev polynomials
GridSet of nodes in the interval [-1,1]
Grid_Chebyshev_GaussChebyshev Gauss nodes in the interval [-1,1]
Grid_Chebyshev_GLChebyshev Gauss-Lobatto nodes in the interval [-1,1]
Grid_Legendre_GaussLegendre Gauss nodes in the interval [-1,1]
Grid_Legendre_GLLegendre Gauss-Lobatto nodes in the interval [-1,1]
Grid_uniformUniform sampling of the interval [-1,1]
Legendre_polyLegendre polynomials
Ortho_polyBase class for orthogonal polynomials on [-1,1]

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